How to spot team differences

people in an office surrounding a laptop and pointing and discussing

Who are you working with right now?

What makes them different from you and from one another?

Why is it important that you know?

All too-often we treat our team members as though they’re the same – the same as us or the same as one another. And in so doing, we fail to see or value their differences. We fall into this pattern because similarity is comfortable and safe, and because often, we think it’s impolite to pay attention to differences. Or worse, many of us feel that differences will lead to conflict. So, we pretend they don’t exist.

But they do, and if you don’t make an effort to see them, then you’re likely excluding people on the basis of them. And what’s more, when they go unrecognized, they lead to conflict, misunderstanding and misinterpretation.

So here are 5 questions you can use today to spark a productive conversation within your team about differences. I hope you’ll give them a try and let us know how it goes.

  1. What’s something we should know about you that would help us to work most effectively with you?

  2. How would you describe your communication style? How does it differ from others in the team?

  3. How would you characterize your decision-making style? How does it differ?

  4. How would you describe your approach to collaboration? How does it differ?

  5. What other differences do you bring to the table? How can we be most inclusive of them?


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