A Day in the Life of an Intern: Behind the Scenes Insights at Empowered EDI

By: Rayan Hooda

Welcome to the inspiring journey of an analyst intern at an equity, diversity, and inclusion company! In this blog post, we'll take you on a journey of an intern analyst to explore the fascinating and impactful work that comes along with this role. It all starts with examining biases and preconceptions in the industry that lead to meaningful transformations using data. Throughout the day, you'll engage in five main activities that shape your experience.

Starting the Day (10:00 AM): Connection

Your day as an EDI analyst begins with a morning huddle, setting the tone for the day ahead. During this meeting, you'll have the opportunity to connect with colleagues and immerse yourself in the company culture. As you progress, you'll dive into various topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion, collecting valuable insights that drive the company's initiatives. This may involve analyzing demographics, surveys, and benchmark data in the industry to develop strategies for advancing EDI.

Collaboration (12:00 PM): Working Across Departments

Most days in the afternoon, you'll have the chance to collaborate and work with professionals from different departments. EDI requires constant collaboration and communication across teams. As an intern analyst, you'll contribute your efforts to a specific area of interest, such as marketing, consulting, or sales. Together as a team, you'll brainstorm ideas, explore innovative solutions, and provide unique perspectives that align with the company's values and foster its growth. Your fresh ideas and contributions are highly valued and have the potential to turn into impactful actions. Remember, you were selected for a reason!

Mentorship (1:00 PM): Learning from Experienced Professionals

As an analyst intern at our boutique firm, you'll have the privilege of engaging in a mentorship setting with experienced professionals. These mentorship sessions will deepen your understanding of EDI principles and help refine your skills for future career advancement. During 1:1 sessions focused on your career development, you'll set goals, receive active feedback, and further enhance your skills. This mentorship experience plays a crucial role in driving positive change and promoting EDI efforts in your internship journey.

Data Analysis (2:00 PM): Uncovering Insights

Now, it's time to dive into the most important aspect of your role. Your supervisor will provide you with a large dataset that requires cleaning and organizing. You'll analyze the data to uncover trends, patterns, and relationships that inform decision-making processes for the company's employees. Accuracy and precision are important because the analyzed data is shared with clients and key stakeholders. Your analysis contributes to an enhanced diverse and inclusive environment, and ensures the company can better serve its stakeholders.

Reporting (4:00 PM): Communicating Data 

As an intern analyst, you are responsible for presenting data in a format that is easily understandable to key stakeholders. This involves preparing presentations, reports, graphs, and charts that facilitate informed decision-making. You play an active role in uncovering patterns and trends, which lead to a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment. Your ability to retrieve information and present compelling data enables the company to better serve its stakeholders.

In a progressive work environment like Empowered EDI, you have the opportunity to gain invaluable experiences with a purpose. From providing your unique perspectives to collaborating with different departments, your work has a lasting impact on the community. Your internship journey is shaped by the choices you make, so it's important to take advantage of all the resources available to ensure your success. By embodying empathy, curiosity, and dedication, you will have an incredible internship experience that makes a difference.


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